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Experience the southern European vibes when Lalala lays the table inside the restaurant or in the Orangerie. Lalala serves delicious French regional dishes and heavenly French wine. 

Capture the French vacation feeling

At Lalala, you can capture the nice, French feeling you might have experienced if you have been on vacation in the south of Europe. The menu is just like the one you find in France and the interior bears resemblance to a typical French restaurant. Lalala serves good, French classic regional dishes from local produce accompanied by French wine. One special wine is even the reason why they chose the name Lalala.

A tribute to the French wine farmer

The name Lalala is a tribute to the French wine farmer, Etienne Guigal and his amazing wines La Mouline, La Turque and La Landonne - also known as the La Las. The selection of wines at Lalala’s is big, and it is of course possible to get one of the La Las. 

Familiar people behind Lalala

The people behind Lalala are called Andreas Malling and Charles Teinby. Together, they are running Sankt Annæ 8, Undici on Christianshavn, and 20A on Ravnsborggade on Nørrebro. Menu and kitchen-wise, Undici and Lalala are very different, but there is a clear resemblance between the two places. Going to one of their restaurants, you can look forward to high-quality food and great service.


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